Wellness That Works - wellnessthatworks.com.au

The Personal Development Blog on How to Increase Wellbeing: Wellness That Works

What is Wellness That Works All About?

Wellness That Works is a Personal Development Blog. The philosophy behind this work is that wellness is about increasing your sense of wellbeing and thus your quality of life. We achieve that through the adoption of simple self-care strategies that help prevent issues from being exacerbated at all levels: the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

It is about practicing simple daily habits that focus on holistic and natural therapies and remedies, self-care, self-healing and preventative care. We also recommend various alternate therapists when needed. These therapists can help accelerate your health and wellbeing goals more quickly, and, more easily. I personally use therapists often, when I am stuck, and do not appear to be able to resolve an issue, by myself.

In some instances, some people may need traditional medical help or psychological help. People who are in this category will have been diagnosed with severe depression or anxiety issues and who may not have the willpower or physical and mental strength to be able to implement self-care strategies themselves. They simply need extra help from a different range of people. You can take the Stress Quiz here to find out your current level of wellbeing… Read More »

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