Wellness That Works - wellnessthatworks.com.au

Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing is attained when a person heals the body/mind: the physical body, the emotional body, and the mental body. As each human is a spirit who enters the body for a human experience how the spirit communicates with the human is through emotions and feelings. When the body/mind has no resistance to creation and abundance it will be free of fear. When you are free of fear you will be able to manifest all of your desires easily and effortlessly.

Soul Healing: Best way to Heal Soul Wounds

By Celine Healy / Spiritual Healing

Soul Healing

Perhaps you have been hurting for a long time and are not sure whether you can ever heal yourself and move on. You might even feel stuck because whatever you do, nothing seems to help with the healing. Hence, you might be wondering whether these soul wounds can ever be healed and, if so, how? […]

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Violet Flame

By Celine Healy / Spiritual Healing

Violet Flame

Do you sometimes feel like your soul is wounded beyond repair? Do you constantly look for ways to find peace and heal your soul? Perhaps the solution to all of your problems is the violet flame prayers. This little-known meditation technique is highly powerful and transformative in cleaning your energies, healing your soul, and finding […]

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Alchemical Process: A Guide to Spiritual Alchemy

By Celine Healy / Spiritual Healing

We all have the potential to transform our lives and heal our souls. This can be done through the spiritual alchemical process. Contrary to popular belief, this concept is not about transforming lead into gold and achieving material success. Instead, spiritual alchemy is about freeing the soul that is trapped within you by your negative […]

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Emotional and Spiritual Healing

By Celine Healy / Spiritual Healing

Emotional and Spiritual Healing

Are you experiencing emotional and spiritual distress? We may feel heartbroken, anxious, hollow, and lose our sense of self. No one is immune to these feelings, which is why we may find ourselves looking for ways to aid in our emotional and spiritual healing. It is natural for us to carry these heavy feelings and […]

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