Wellness That Works - wellnessthatworks.com.au

Soul Healing: Best way to Heal Soul Wounds

By Celine Healy

Soul Healing

Perhaps you have been hurting for a long time and are not sure whether you can ever heal yourself and move on. You might even feel stuck because whatever you do, nothing seems to help with the healing. Hence, you might be wondering whether these soul wounds can ever be healed and, if so, how? […]

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Violet Flame

By Celine Healy

Violet Flame

Do you sometimes feel like your soul is wounded beyond repair? Do you constantly look for ways to find peace and heal your soul? Perhaps the solution to all of your problems is the violet flame prayers. This little-known meditation technique is highly powerful and transformative in cleaning your energies, healing your soul, and finding […]

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Alchemical Process: A Guide to Spiritual Alchemy

By Celine Healy

We all have the potential to transform our lives and heal our souls. This can be done through the spiritual alchemical process. Contrary to popular belief, this concept is not about transforming lead into gold and achieving material success. Instead, spiritual alchemy is about freeing the soul that is trapped within you by your negative […]

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Emotional and Spiritual Healing

By Celine Healy

Emotional and Spiritual Healing

Are you experiencing emotional and spiritual distress? We may feel heartbroken, anxious, hollow, and lose our sense of self. No one is immune to these feelings, which is why we may find ourselves looking for ways to aid in our emotional and spiritual healing. It is natural for us to carry these heavy feelings and […]

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Thinking of Starting a New Relationship? What to Include in Your Relationship Needs List

By Celine Healy

Who would have thought that a relationship list is required when Starting a new Relationship? However, after many trials and failures and giving up self and losing identity in relationship, many people now see this as a very practical and sensible approach Before entering that new relationship, ever hopeful.  In this way you can be sure […]

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Feel The Joy of New Relationship Energy

By Celine Healy

Have you been experiencing that tingling feeling all over your body? The sensational joy of new relationship energy? Right from the moment, you met this special one, butterflies fluttered in your stomach and you felt like you were on top of the world.? Well, welcome to the world of an exhilarating combination of dopamine, adrenaline, […]

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How to Increase Positive Self-Concept During and After a Pandemic and Coronavirus Isolation

By Celine Healy

You say: “Increase Positive Self-Concept” like those words have explosive meaning. Hmm. What is self-concept let alone have a positive one? The covid isolation period was killing me. It had given me so much time to reflecton what is important to me. In life. In general. We saw dozens of actors, performers, entertainers showing off […]

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How to Heal the Body With Vibrational Sounds

By Celine Healy

There are many kinds of vibrational sounds or frequencies. There are rays from the sun that not only bring warmth, but also a sense of comfort. There are laser beams that are used to heal or are used in cosmetic surgery. There are sound waves that carry frequencies of noise and there are thought waves […]

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Relationship Wellness How to Build Healthy Relationships

By Celine Healy

How to Build Healthy Relationships Relationship wellness

Relationship Wellness How to Build Healthy Relationships Relationships can be formed in all shapes and sizes. Whether your relationship with a person is familial, platonic, or romantic, it must always support and nourish you. However, this is often easier said than done. Despite their best efforts, people often falter regarding relationship wellness, mostly just because life […]

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Untangling Complicated Relationships: A Perspective

By Celine Healy

Untangling Complicated Relationships - Wellness that works

Relationships – despite how they start out, they have their challenges. In other words, when two people try to coexist, there will be moments where there will be arguments and differences to work through. In some instances, unaddressed challenges can become complications. Complicated relationships are more than unresolved problems, long distances, trust issues, and indecisiveness. […]

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What Really Matters?

By Celine Healy

what really matters—wellness that works

It’s not too late. We are still in February. Are you beginning to get the feeling that this year is going to be the same as all of the others? Chugging along. Doing the same old things. Not getting ahead? Don’t know what really matters to you or what really matters in life? Do you […]

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3 Steps To Stay In Control

By Celine Healy

Stay in control—wellness-that-works

You feel life’s like a top-spin. Your life’s spinning out of control. You feel overwhelmed. Too many things to do and not enough time! It feels like chaos. An. It seems to be getting worse. What to do to stay in control? You’ve read dozens of lists on what to do to regain control. But […]

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How to Heal the Body Mentally and Emotionally

By Celine Healy

Have you ever heard of someone dying with a broken heart?This is very unusual but it happens. Extreme emotional distress like depression, anger, and fear has a major impact on our physical health which causes these kinds of emotional and mental illnesses. Although broken heart syndrome is something similar to a heart attack, it is […]

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3 Ways to Increase Positive Self-Concept and Self-Esteem

By Celine Healy

3 ways to increase positive self-concept - Wellness That Works

Why would I be thinking of ways to increase self concept and self-esteem? Because I am all cooped up in lock-down and seem to be going through patches of chaos. Stuff keeps coming up. All of this extra time in isolation, and seeing entertainers and others put up smart, clever and funny videos of them […]

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How to Achieve a Confident State

By Celine Healy

How to achieve a confident state - Wellness That Works

Are you in a situation where you know you aren’t as confident as you’d like to be? But. You don’t know why this is so. Or what to do about it? I’ve been in that situation myself. However, fortunately, I discovered those key elements that were impinging upon mu success. And. I was able to […]

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How To Increase Confidence with These Scientifically Proven Tips

By Celine Healy

Boost your self confidence - Wellness That Works

Most people think about confidence as something you are either blessed to have or doomed never to get. But the truth is, there are scientifically proven ways to increase confidence. The bonus – they don’t require barrels of cash or challenging actions. This should be good news for you! Even if you are the most […]

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How a Lack of Confidence Affects Your Career and Your Work Life

By Celine Healy

Lack of confidence can affect your career - Wellness That Works

Your lack of confidence is affecting your career and work life by sabotaging the action-taking that could make you a raging success. Tired of feeling not-good-enough? Waiting for the confidence, clarity, and courage to make that next move in your career? Then get ready to be stuck, again. You can’t wait to feel clear, confident, […]

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Moving Out of Stress States and Into Successful States

By Celine Healy

From stress to success - Wellness That Works

We all feel stuck in stress states sometimes. But. Have you noticed that your stressed states are becoming more pronounced? More permanent? You are quick to anger? More impatient? Easily frustrated? You can see and feel this but you don’t know what to do about it. Let’s now examine how these situations arise and what […]

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The Effects of Stress on Confidence in Your Personal Life

By Celine Healy

The consequences of stress on confidence - Wellness That Works

The effects of Stress on confidence in your personal life are greater than you may realize. Feeling and exuding Stress on confidence on a regular basis will improve your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial health! Ultimately when your confidence and self-esteem are low, your thoughts are also. A daily habit of low-vibration thoughts, especially the […]

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The Truckers Have Become the Uyghurs of Canada - How Will You Reclaim Your Empowerment?

By Celine Healy

Trucker protest in Canada

On 9 January 2022, Several truckers working in western Canada started what was named the Freedom Convoy—a peaceful demonstration to “Reclaim Your Empowerment” that aimed to protest the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for those who were to cross the US-Canada border. Since then, the protest has erupted into a full-fledged event in Ottowa, that has eventually […]

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How to Heal the Body with MSM- Methylsulfonylmethane

By Celine Healy

How to Heal the Body with MSM - Methylsulfonylmethane

There is a lot happening inside our body. It’s like a whole different universe inside. Our body needs many vital vitamins and minerals to function properly. If there was a miracle cure for all of our ailments, would you take it? If you had a choice of only ever using one supplement that would help […]

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Gain Empowerment With These 3 Self Care Tips

By Celine Healy


If you have ever felt exhausted, had some illness, or are experiencing burnout, then you might find some of these as being useful tips, especially if you are a beginner in the stress resolution arena. Self Care Tips for Beginners …is an easy-to-understand infographic that sets out in point form what you need to look […]

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How Stress Resolution Outstrips Stress Management as The Preferred Method for a Long-Term Solution for Reducing Stress

By Celine Healy

Stress relax wellness that works

This article aims to give you a different perspective on how to reduce stress permanently, by offering a new a paradigm: stress resolution, which has been shown to be more effective than the stress management paradigm.  Most people think they understand the concepts of stress management, and when asked they generally rattle off ways to […]

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How to Heal the Body with Energy Healing

By Celine Healy

How to heal the body with energy healing wellness that works

Sometimes it can be very confusing when people research personal development topics and they come up with names such as: self-improvement, self- growth, personal growth, self-development and so on. Although these terms can be synonymous, the essence of this movement is all about self help. Self-help developed out of the psychology movement, whereby clients were […]

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