60 Self Care Ideas

Self- care practices come in many forms from the mental, the physical, the emotional, to the spiritual.

Sometimes it is difficult to know what to do, or where to start our individual health care routines.

Ask yourself these questions to see if you need to instigate self-care strategies:

Do you understand what self-care is all about?
I know I didn’t really understand what this meant because I had no idea that you needed to take extra care of yourself,even if you were not sick.

Do you really know what self-care activities are?

Did you know that daily self-care activities can improve your: health, increase mindfulness, and make you feel spiritually connected, thus helping you clarify your path and your purpose?

Is taking care of yourself the furthest thing from your mind?
Do you have too much on your plate to even consider care for yourself?

Do your self-care practices consist of only the basic necessities?
You bathe, you eat, and maybe get some good sleep when you can shut your mind off long enough. But. Did you know that there are other simple self-care practices you can do?

Did you also know, that if you keep forgetting to take proper care of yourself, the consequences could be devastating to your overall well-being?

In this day and age of constant stress, it is important to do extra rituals to ensure your body/mind is being supported. Quite often these things can impinge on, not only your personal life, but also your work-life. Taking good care of yourself literally, keeps the doctor away.

I know it’s hard to balance everything in life and have a consistent self-care routine. But incorporating some enjoyable self-care activities into your day isn’t as hard as you may think.

In the sections below I will show you 60 simple self-care practices for a healthy mind, body, and soul that you can begin implementing today.

Let’s get started.

Firstly, let’s define what we mean by self-care so we are all on the same page.

Self-Care Definition

So, what is the definition of self-care anyway? According to the Oxford Dictionary, self-care is “the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health” ….“the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular, periods of stress.”

You can see that self-care is an action and actions require plans and strategies. It requires routines and daily procedures that need to be undertaken regularly, in order to progress, improve or maintain good health. Because, the objective of a self-care regimen is, to feel better, in some way. In essence, ALL self-care leads to some personal development and improvement.

So, let’s look at what types of self-care strategies are available to implement.

Self-Care Strategies


The strategies for self-care revolve around developing a plan to bring some regiment or routine into your daily life, so that you can feel better on all levels.

These strategies for self-care are divided into: the mental, the physical, the emotional and then for the soul, your spirit.

In the dialogue below the emotional level has been intertwined within the other levels.

In all of the articles in this Personal Development Blog, Wellness That Works, our overall goal is to help you reach self-actualisation. This is that place of increased awareness where eventually you will become more present more often. This means that along the way you will have done the necessary work to overcome those self-esteem and self- concept roadblocks, and have dealt with the underlying issues behind those two negative values.

So, in summary, all self-care is leading you towards that final goal. The thing to note about self-care strategies is that you can do these yourself.
This then takes the burden of excessive cost for different programs out of the equation, and gives you the power and responsibility for looking after your own health and wellbeing. And. This is where it needs to be, because choosing personal development and improvement, is a commitment. It takes time. And, it becomes a way of life.

You can see that any strategy you adopt first, whether it is for: the mind, the body, the emotions or the soul, are all plan or maps, that you choose specifically, as a possible course of action. The lists below are guides that might give you some idea of what you might consider.

Let’s now look at the types of activities that we could undertake to increase our personal self-care.

Self-Care Activities


The types of self-care activities fall into these categories:

  • Actual physical actions or increased movement
  • Pattern interruption to break bad habits
  • Taking action on things that you have overlooked
  • Acknowledging your thoughts and feelings and writing about them
  • Helping you become more aware
  • Taking more time out
  • Increasing your observation
  • Increasing your self-love
  • Choosing better habits
  • Actively choosing a healthier lifestyle
  • Becoming more aware of your surroundings
  • Being more observant of your emotions and feelings…

… and so on.

These are general categories which you will notice cover all of the different self-care practices.

Having looked at the broad range of activities that we could undertake, let’s now delve into each level of self-care activities that will improve all aspects of our body/mind and soul. It is your choice. You are solely responsible for your own health and wellbeing. We are just here as your guide.

Let’s tackle the impact your mindset has on your body first.

Simple Self-Care Ideas for A Healthy Mind


Your brain produces between 2,100-3,300 thoughts per hour. Literally, mind-boggling, if that’s accurate! I don’t know if scientists have that number right, but I do know my own experience.

I’ve had a full conversation with someone and never heard a word they’ve said, or remembered any of my responses. Unfortunately, most of those thoughts are repetitive and are negative. This has consequences. And. The consequences make it harder for you to change your default position from a negative position to being more positive more often.

It is all noise!

You must quiet the noise in your mind, so your body and spirit have a chance to engage in the world around you.

With all the chatter in your brain, some conscious and some unconscious, how do you self-care about your mental health?

How do you shut off the brain noise and give yourself a break?

The good news is you can. But it’s also important to channel your mind in different ways to keep it healthy and strong.

Three key ingredients to taking better care of your mind are:

  • Give your brain the proper oxygen it needs to circulate healthy blood for your heart.
  • Give your brain periodic moments of rest.
  • Channel your brain energy in different ways to work its muscles.

The most important thing you can do first is to master your breathing. Doing correct breathing. Mindful breathing is an essential part of cleaning your blood and providing healthy, clean oxygen for your brain and heart.

For this reason, you will find (Breathe) at the top of all three of my self-care practices tips lists. It’s my secret ingredient to simple self-care practices for a healthy mind, body, and soul.

Below are 20 simple self-care practices for a healthy mind. And the best part is you can easily build these into your daily routine with very little effort.

Let’s transfer these simple ideas into practice self-care for a healthy mind first.

Self-Care Practices for a Healthy Mind

  1. Breathe –Intentionally breathing deep breaths slows your heart rate and tells your brain to release calming endorphins.
  2. Make one simple change to your routine – A change in routine will break the monotony. Try a different drive to work or change up what you do on the weekends.
  3. Daily meditation – Schedule 15 minutes daily for reflection. You can’t shut your mind off, but you can quiet your thoughts and channel your energy by meditating on your breaths.
  4. Journal your thoughts – The simple act of putting your thoughts on paper is like doing a 20-minute cardio routine for your heart.
  5. Use your calendar – Schedule your quiet time. Block off just 10 minutes a day on your calendar and DO NOT schedule anything over this.
  6. Define your life goals –Writing down your goals gets them out of your mind. It makes them real. Start with something simple that will give you a quick win. Like, read 2 new books this month.
  7. Create a routine for better sleep – Make sure rest is a priority. Schedule your sleep and stick to it. Go to bed at the same time every night.
  8. Do something creative – Doing something creative creates a euphoric response in the brain. The feeling of satisfaction helps to calm your restless mind and gives you energy. Here are some ideas:
    1. Work on a puzzle
    2. Draw or color
    3. Do some gardening
  9. Organize your work and living space –You know how you feel when you take your car through the car wash or vacuum the floors. You dread doing it, but when it’s done, there is a sensation of satisfaction and order.
  10. Unplug – Unplug from everything that requires your attention. Stop and enjoy the gift of life that has been given.
  11. Say NO – Over committing causes you to feel overwhelmed. Find your balance and respectfully say no when it doesn’t make sense to say yes.
  12. Schedule time with a friend or loved one – Spending time with someone you love and enjoy being with is a therapy for the mind. That interaction kicks in the brain chemical dopamine and helps you feel pleasure.
  13. Learn something new –New learning experiences speeds up your brain and makes it more responsive. Learning new things has also proven to slow the onset and progression of dementia as well as prevent the slowing of your mental functions.
  14. Laugh more – Laughter is an incredible cure for anxiety and depression. It releases those pain and stress fighter endorphins and improves your mood while lowering stress hormones called cortisol.
  15. Look through your photographs –Taking a walk down memory lane decreases stress, stimulates enthusiasm, and ignites authenticity. Your brain connects your past self with the present and boosts your mood.
  16. Get a pet or spend more time with your pet – Studies show that pet owners have lower blood pressure and deal with stress more efficiently.
  17. Enjoy nature – Take a walk, go for a swim, put up a bird feeder outside your window. Or just sit outside and listen to all the beautiful sounds you usually don’t notice in your busy day.
  18. Sit in the sun – Natural sunlight to the skin triggers your body to produce vitamin D. Vitamin D is a crucial ingredient for overall health. One of the best benefits is that it improves brain function. Just make sure you use a high-quality sunscreen.
  19. Take a bubble bath – Most people take a quick shower and go on about their day. There are new studies that prove a relaxing bubble bath reduces fatigue, stress, and pain.
  20. Tantalize your sense of smell – Light a candle or take a walk in the woods and smell the fresh air. This calms your mind and boosts your spirits.

Now that you have some valuable tools for taking better care of your mind let’s look at some simple self-care ideas for your body.

Simple Self-Care Ideas for the Body


So, you’ve kind of neglected your mind but what about your body? You’re starting to feel sluggish and tired. It’s not like you don’t do anything.

In fact, it seems like you’re always on the go. But here’s the truth. Your body knows the difference between busy and physically fit.

Not only that, your body needs some TLC. But you feel you don’t have time for that.

Not only do you need to improve your physical fitness you also need to take care of your skin, your eyes, and your hair, too. Goodness! All these things most of us don’t factor in, when we think about having a healthy body.

These little acts of kindness for yourself can make all the difference in the world for your mood, health, and general well-being.

It’s exhausting when your mind goes straight to the thought of spending hours at the gym. And naturally, that thought is often a deterrent from doing the wonderful things you really could be doing to take care of your body.

Caring for your body is good for your mind and your soul. It doesn’t have to be a Fast 45 routine, or a boot camp regimen to be effective.

Let’s change that thought process from this point forward. You are no longer going to just think about grueling exercise when you think about being physically fit. Just think about increasing your movement. Any movement.

Below are 20 simple self-care practices that you can start doing today to better care for your body. And the best part is, incorporated with healthy mind activities, you will be well on your way to a brand new you.

Simple Self-Care Practices for a Healthy Body

  1. Breathe – Remember, I said this would be at the top of all my lists. It’s important!
  2. Take a daily walk – Just 20 minutes a day of a nice brisk walk can improve your heart health and improve your memory.
  3. Take up yoga – You can practice simple yoga techniques right at home. Spending time on a yoga mat can improve your mind, heart health, and it’s good for your bones and muscles.
  4. Incorporate healthy food into your daily diet. You don’t have to over complicate this. Pick a few of your favorite fruits, veggies, and nuts and add them in. Simple.
  5. Drink more water – 8 glasses of water a day helps curb your appetite and flush out your kidneys. It will give you more energy and help nourish your skin too.
  6. Reduce your caffeine intake –Caffeine can increase feelings of stress and anxiety. And it dehydrates the skin. The worst part is it interferes with healthy rest and sleep.
  7. Drink less alcohol – Too much alcohol can cause high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and anemia. It can wreak havoc on your liver and digestive system too.
  8. Go get a physical check-up – It’s essential to keep up on your yearly visit to the doctor. Getting a check-up relieves your mind and catches problems you may not realize are brewing.
  9. Take supplements – let’s face it, we don’t always eat the way we should. Sometimes our bodies need a little extra help. Check-in with your doctor on what you may be missing in your diet.
  10. Join a health club or a sporting activity – Make a commitment to exercise by investing in a health club membership or sporting league. Working out with other people can help motivate us and provide a support network to encourage commitment.
  11. Take a swim – A few laps in a pool or body of water is an excellent way to exercise that’s easy on your joints. Swimming works your whole body, and it’s fun.
  12. Get a massage – Rubbing out fatigued and overworked muscles is an excellent way to nourish your body. It improves circulation, eliminates toxins, and reduces stress.
  13. Get a manicure and/or pedicure – Your hands and feet take a beating. Manicures and pedicures improve blood flow and relieve aches and pains. It provides crucial hydration for your skin, too. Plus, it feels fantastic!
  14. Take care of your skin – Our skin is exposed to harsh climate changes, chemicals, and excess exposure to the sun. Drinking plenty of water and using a moisturizer hydrates your skin and helps slow the process of skin aging.
  15. Take care of your teeth – Brushing your teeth is essential. But flossing routinely can prevent dental disease and protect your heart from plaque and bacteria.
  16. Take care of your eyes –Other health concerns can be detected by an eye exam. Conditions such as diabetes, glaucoma, high blood pressure, and heart disease can be detected during an eye exam. Your eyes are strained every day from the computer and phone use. So give them a break throughout the week.
  17. Take a break from the noise – Your ears need time to rest and recover just like the rest of your body. Use ear protection when necessary and turn down that loud music or podcast.
  18. Start your day with a good stretch routine – Stretching helps your muscles work more effectively. It gives you more energy and helps get your joints moving.
  19. Rest – Your body needs downtime. Take a nap or just sit in a quiet place and relax your body.
  20. Move – Make a point to get up and move at least once an hour. Your joints and muscles stiffen when they sit stagnant too long. Movement increases energy, helps clear the mind, and works your body.

We’ve covered the mind and the body, but what about your soul? Caring for the soul is just as crucial in your self-care practice as any other exercise or another healthy habit you can adapt.

Let’s dive into some simple self-care ideas for the soul.

Simple Self Care Ideas for the Soul


Nourishing your soul can often be the catalyst that engages the rest of your senses.

Research has proven that people who are more spiritual experience increased health benefits.

You are more in tune with the world around you when things feel good in your heart.

This isn’t surprising since spiritual self-care practices are comforting and provide tremendous stress relief.

When your thoughts are turned toward something bigger than yourself, the small things that bog you down aren’t as bothersome.

Healthy spiritual practices are like food for the soul. And, it’s the positive impact it has on our thinking that is truly the key.

Caring for the soul goes beyond just spiritual practices though. Caring for others can be equally therapeutic. Doing something kind for someone else brings us joy.

Peace and satisfaction come from giving of yourself. Not only does this action bring a smile to someone else’s life, but it also makes you feel good.

Simply feeling better about yourself, makes all the trials that come your way seem less significant. That helps reduce stress and gives you more emotional energy.

Here is a list of things you can do to feed your spirit and practice self-care for your soul.

Simple Self-Care Practices for a Healthy Soul

  1. Breathe– Breathing has health benefits for your mind, body, and soul. It’s incredible how many of us do it incorrectly.
  2. Find peace through prayer – Prayer brings clarity and peace to your soul. Regardless of your belief system, prayer helps relieve stress and promote a positive outlook on life.
  3. Be kind to yourself first – Do something for yourself. The act of kindness for yourself feels good and helps you focus on the things that really matter in life.
  4. Do something for someone else – A phone call or handwritten note to a friend can significantly boost your mood. And it makes another person feel good too.
  5. Practice gratitude – Gratitude is medicine for the soul. Being grateful improves both psychological and physical health. Gratitude enhances empathy, reduces aggression, and improves self-esteem. Start a gratitude journal and write down all the things you are grateful for each day.
  6. Read inspirational quotes – Post quotes where you will see them each day. Reading a positive note changes your mood, makes you smile, and activates your emotions. It helps to get the creative and critical thinking flowing and keeps us in touch with our soul.
  7. Reignite your passion – Remember what it feels like to have a deep passion for something. Get back to that thing you love and watch how your outlook on life changes.
  8. Show someone close to you, extra love – The act of giving and showing love alone is therapeutic. It nourishes the soul. When you make someone else happy, you feel happy too.
  9. Engage with a faith community –Engaging with a population of people that have similar beliefs as your own, helps you grow in your spiritually. It provides an extended support network and helps you grow beyond where you are now.
  10. Listen to uplifting music – Music is an excellent way to distress and get in touch with your spiritual side. Uplifting music increases your heart rate, boosts your mood, and helps you feel joyful.
  11. Sing – You don’t have to be a rock star or even carry a tune. The action of singing kicks in those feel-good endorphins automatically.
  12. Dance – Dancing is an exercise for the soul. It’s great for the body too! Dancing is excellent for both your physical body and your emotional psyche. Meditative dance can also bring self-awareness and deepen consciousness.
  13. Practice forgiveness – Let go of the grudge and forgive your way to a healthy soul. Forgiveness frees you from negativity and releases you to move on.
  14. Remove toxic people from your life – Being around negative people can increase negative thinking and increase feelings of anxiety and depression. Feed your soul by being around people who lift you up and focus on the good things in life.
  15. Stop being a control freak –Free your soul from things that you simply can’t control. Let go and only focus on things you can change to boost your spirits and help you experience a more precise direction.
  16. Give yourself grace – Failure makes you stronger, wiser, and more resilient. Embrace failure and use it to progress in your life. Your soul will thank you.
  17. Avoid drama – Don’t allow yourself to get dragged into negativity. Keep peace with yourself and others by staying positive and engaging in uplifting conversations.
  18. Be intentional – Don’t just go through the motions. Only do things that move you forward. Spend time with people that inspire you and are in line with your goals and dreams.
  19. Do an emotional download – Take time to list out your emotions and reflect on what’s causing you to feel them. Write things down on paper like anger, doubt, and fear helps you process them. It also enables you to get them out of your mind so you can rest.
  20. Seek help through a therapist – When life gets to be too much. It’s okay to ask for help. Talk to a therapist who can help you process your emotions.

Now that you have some simple practices for the mind, the body and the soul, you can start implementing these, as soon as possible.

Let’s look at all the benefits of self-care you will experience.

Benefits of Self-Care


Practicing simple self-care techniques and investing in your personal well-being can feel selfish. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth. The reality is that if you don’t take care of yourself, you will eventually burn out.

It’s time to love yourself more. It’s time to admit you’ve neglected yourself. It’s time to practice some simple self-care for your mind, body, and soul.

When you start doing some things I’ve suggested in this post, you will feel better.

Some things will bring immediate relief, and some things will need to be practiced.

You will…

  • Feel more emotionally balanced
  • Get better sleep
  • Have more energy
  • Experience a clearer mind
  • Feel less stressed
  • Be happier
  • Feel healthier
  • Experience greater spiritual connection
  • Have more peace in your life
  • Be more engaged in your relationships

… and much, much more.

I know it seems too simple and too good to be true. But just a few steps toward self-care will bring relief that you probably haven’t felt in a long time, if ever.

The hardest part is getting started. You are one decision away from making that happen. So now that you have decided, you are probably thinking, how do I get started.

Here’s how!

How to Start Self-Care


All these ideas are great, but now what?

Don’t try to tackle these changes all at once. Ease your way into them. Practicing good self-care is a life-change, and you will be more successful taking it one step at a time.

What area of your life needs your immediate attention?
Start there and figure out what steps are most easily adapted next. These ideas are simple for a reason.

But I insist that you begin with learning how to breathe. As I mentioned in the very beginning, breathing is the most important thing you need to do correctly to experience all the benefits of simple self-care.

To be successful, you don’t need complicated mumbo jumbo to figure out. You need simple actions you can take that will bring quick results.

That’s why I’ve given you simple, easy things you can incorporate into your daily routine.

Conquer Those Self-Care Habits: You’re Ready Now

This world can drive you to your knees. But you know what steps to take now. You know how to implement simple self-care strategies into your daily routine.

You are on a path to a healthier mind, body, and soul just by reading this post.

Close your eyes, breathe in, exhale, and take the next step. You’ve got this!

These gradual changes in your self-care habits will produce significant benefits for your health, your well-being, your life!

What will you choose to do first? Do let me know.

If you have enjoyed this article, by all means please share it.

If you would like to leave a comment about any aspect of this article on self-care practice, I would love to hear from you.

In all cases… to your best health ever!
