We all feel stuck in stress states sometimes.
But. Have you noticed that your stressed states are becoming more pronounced? More permanent?
You are quick to anger? More impatient? Easily frustrated?
You can see and feel this but you don’t know what to do about it.
Let’s now examine how these situations arise and what you need to do to finally resolve the stress that impinges on your success.
See Also: How to Heal the Body with Energy Healing.
States of Lack of Awareness
Take a look at the diagram below: Moving Out of Stress States Into Successful States.
The section at the bottom, indicates that the thoughts, feelings and behaviors that lead to the negative states of lack of awareness, those non-powerful states of not being present, are all generated automatically.
What does that mean exactly?
It means that these states come about automatically in response to stressful situations or stressor triggers via our subconscious mind. They are negative habits of responses that we have learned over many years, and which we have repeated, time and time again.
By our conditioning, our environment, our experiences, interpretations of those experiences, our beliefs and our perceptions around those experiences during our early childhood years, unfortunately, this continual pattern of behavior has made it easier to keep us stuck in negativity.
Our subconscious minds have been programmed to keep us safe. So, how this evolves is that we are made up of lots of conditioned responses and patterns of behavior.
When a stressful event occurs or a stressor trigger is activated, the way the mind works is, that it scours through our filing cabinets of stored experiences, memories, feelings and responses, to see how we responded previously. When it finds something similar, then it pulls out that response and behavior pattern, and we react in that old way, the way we did previously.
There is no thought process involved. It is automatic.
So, these subconscious patterns of response are easy to sustain, because we have repeated them so many times previously.
What that means is that the types of responses we have been repeating have become negative habits. We generally do not alter our behavior drastically unless there is great conscious effort involved.
The key here is: repetition of behavioral response patterns.
This repetition of behavior around responses to stressor triggers which elicit negative feelings, and which have usually been generated during our early childhood years, tends to favour our subconscious mind patterns. Those negative feelings that. keep being repeated over time, lead to negative states such as: depression, anxiety, fatigue, overwhelm, feeling out of control, having low energy, lacking inner peace and calm, and so on.
So, if you continue to experience a lack of confidence, you can blame it on your subconscious.
Its job is to keep you safe from all kinds of threats, particularly those that the subconscious thinks are life-threatening.
However, because we were not aware of what was happening in our early development years, we had no real control over these automatic functions. Even now, when we know better, gaining control over your subconscious mind is tricky, at best.
So, by the time we became adults these negative patterns have taken hold and we have found it difficult to change tack.
It’s only when we want to try to improve our lives in some way that we will notice that we might be experiencing: low self-confidence, our lack of success or feeling overwhelmed and drained of energy.
Now let’s look at the top part of the diagram.
States of Awareness
To get to that state of awareness, being in control, being present and being powerful, we need to know how to access and maintain that state of positivity.
Those thoughts, feelings and behaviours relevant to the top section, are not automatic. Humans have become, by training, stuck in negativity as a default position. To move out of negativity requires conscious effort, conscious choice. Because of that effort, these states are difficult to attain and sustain.
This chart provides an overview of the different states of consciousness.
Why would that be so?
Because the subconscious is thousands of times more powerful than your conscious thinking, planning and strategizing brain, there is always this pull, back towards our comfort zones, places we know have kept us safe from harm.
So, for anyone trying to buck this system, you need to exert extra effort to feel positive states such as: goodness, kindness, love, inner ease and peace, gratitude, appreciation, self- love, happiness and so on. We are constantly fighting against this strong pull back towards being safe. It’s only through constant, conscious effort that we can attain those positive states such as being: confident, successful, free of depression and anxiety, overwhelm, and feeling back in control.
These positive states require great effort to achieve and maintain.
In the diagram, the line delineating the subconscious unaware states from the conscious aware states, is what is called, our baseline resilience to stress.
Your Baseline Resilience to Stress
It’s like the thickness of our skin in response to stressful events or stressor triggers being activated. If we have thin skin then we will be quick to respond to stress and might notice that we easily become angry, annoyed, impatient, blaming others, or judging and criticising others.
On the other hand, if we have a thicker skin, then our responses to stress will be slower or delayed, and hence our negative states such as: depression or anxiety, will not occur or be embedded easily. We also won’t become upset easily. We will be able to brush things off and get back to homeostasis more easily.
The trouble is, in today’s world, we are bombarded by stress daily, from many different avenues, from things that accumulate and which affect the body/mind enormously, and which we might not have thought to do anything about.
The types of things that make our body/mind stressed include: chemicals and bacteria in our drinking water, aerosol spray to kill bugs in our homes, carpet cleaning products, washing powder, dry cleaning fluids, rays from television, computers and phones, rays from electrical and artificial lights, perfumes, make-up and hairspray, chemicals sprayed on our food, toxic fumes from gasoline and gases, chemicals and mites in our houses, parasites and bugs in our intestines, chemicals and hormones released when stressed that create inflammation and disease, allergies and food intolerance’s, sugar, coffee, trans fats, alcohol, medications, drugs, pain killers, all kinds
of hormone injections in animal meats, and, mercury in fish.
The list is endless and most people are not even aware of these things actually having an effect on their body/mind, yet so many people suffer from lack of sleep, and depression and anxiety, and other negative states.
So, the effects of all of these things bombarding us daily keeps our subconscious on high alert, trying to protect you as best it can. This breaks down our resilience to stress and we gradually develop a thin skin to stressful events and stressor triggers.
This means our baseline resilience to stress is constantly being lowered, especially if we do not do anything to protect our body/mind from this onslaught.
So, the way to move out of unaware states and move into more positive states, out of stress and into successful states such as being confident, is by working on our baseline resilience to stress.
We have to instigate supportive and beneficial habits to build up our resilience to stress and make our skin thicker.
We have to make ourselves strong again. We have to develop appropriate responses, so we can respond to stress (stressful events and stressor triggers) differently, and hence behave, think, and feel differently.
And. This takes time and effort.
So, if you thought you could adopt simple mind techniques to improve your confidence levels, they may work in the short-term. However, we are looking at a more permanent solution.
We are looking at developing habits that can change your subconscious patterns of response, so that you can change permanently, to more positive response patterns, and maintain positive states.
Where to Next?
So, that is where we are heading.
We need to look at how we arrive at this baseline resilience level to stress. What it is comprised of. And, what specific patterns we need to unlock. And, what new and positive response patterns we need to adopt so that our confidence levels are positive, predictable and permanent.
Build your confidence, by building your baseline resilience to stress.
Blessings on your self-improvement journey to improving your self-confidence.